Acdsee Pro Mac

Acdsee Pro Mac Rating: 4,4/5 958 reviews

ACD Systems

Одно из лучших решений для работы с графическими изображениями в среде Mac


  1. My major barrier is transferring my massive ACDSee Pro database to software that will provide the same functionality. There has been substantial criticism of the MAC version of ACDSee, and even that move would require embedding metadata in the photos.
  2. ACDSee Photo Studio (sometimes referred to as ACDSee Pro, ACDSee Ultimate, ACDSee Mac, ACDSee for iOS) was added by schajee in Apr 2009 and the latest update was made in Oct 2020. The list of alternatives was updated Nov 2020. It's possible to update the information on ACDSee Photo Studio or report it as discontinued, duplicated or spam.
СовместимостьmacOS 10.14 и новее, 64-разрядный процессор

Creative zen x-fi mac software. ACDSee for Mac is a fast image viewer and effective image browser for Mac OS X. This high-speed OS X application for graphics viewing combines the features of graphic viewers and graphic converters.

Одно из лучших решений для работы с графическими изображениями в среде Mac. Качественная обработка фотоснимков, оптимизация всех аспектов рабочего процесса, экономия времени, усилий и финансов пользователей — все это обеспечивает ACDSee Photo Studio.
Гибкие организационные инструменты для удовлетворения любого рабочего процесса, молниеносные неразрушающие настройки, поиск с помощью перетаскивания, гладкие настраиваемые предустановки партии и поддержка RAW для более чем 450 моделей камер - это лишь некоторые из элементов, которые делают ACDSee Photo Studio для Mac обязательным требованием. - иметь программное обеспечение для редактирования изображений на macOS.
С помощью мощного механизма обработки RAW-файлов ACDSee Photo Studio вы сможете получать изображения RAW из грубых данных датчиков в привлекательное цифровое искусство. Благодаря встроенной поддержке RAW вы можете параметрически корректировать экспозицию, четкость, резкость, освещение, цвет, шум, детали и многое другое.
Создайте свои собственные правила работы с фотографиями с помощью обширных инструментов для перемещения, поиска, сортировки и обмена. Сортируйте по дате, оценивайте изображения, чтобы отслеживать свои лучшие работы, и устанавливайте категории и ключевые слова, используя метод, который работает для вас. Организуйте свою коллекцию, найдите дубликаты, чтобы сэкономить место, просматривайте и редактируйте информацию EXIF и IPTC, а также вставляйте свои собственные метаданные. Определите отдельные изображения для дальнейшей обработки с помощью настраиваемых цветовых меток и визуальных тегов.
New Features
Develop Brush and Gradient tools
Develop mode Clone and Heal Repair tools
Organize pane GUI improvements
Added an “Add to Image Basket” button in Manage and View mode
Added Undo and Redo buttons to the Develop Tools pane
Known Issues
In the File List pane, file type icon is missing if file type is .afphoto.
Assigning metadata via the Batch tool fails if preceded by a Move or Copy action.
Embedding ACDSee Metadata may fail if file type is PNG.
When embedding ACDSee Metadata, or writing GPS or Reverse Geocode info to many files, a delay may occur before the operation begins.
Search by EXIF Shutter Speed Value returns incorrect results. Workaround: search by EXIF Exposure Time.
Image doesn’t fit display when app moved to another monitor and Full Screen enabled.
File List items are sorted by name if items are uncataloged and sort method is based on EXIF or IPTC metadata.
Find Duplicates tool doesn’t work with iCloud Drive.
Restore Database will not begin if the database to be restored is currently open. Workaround: close all apps that are using the database to be restored.
Disconnecting an iOS device while importing will crash ACDSee.
Move to Trash will not work on images stored on cameras.
Batch Copy and Batch Move will not work for images stored on cameras.
PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) not supported.
No method available to view RGB values while using Eye Dropper to set White Balance.
Cannot copy read-only EXIF metadata values to the clipboard.
Cannot read any ACDSee Metadata embedded in BMP, CUR, DDS, EXR, GIF, HDR, ICO, JP2, MEF, PBM, PSD, or TGA.
Batch Copy operation hangs when “Place in subfolder” option is enabled, “Date” token added to the Name, and date format includes slash character (“/”). Workaround: In System Preferences > Language & Region > Advanced… > Dates, remove “/” from the desired format.
Import ignores video portion of Live Photos.
Keyword/Category assignment may fail if target is unscanned Image Basket item.
ACDSee will not function correctly if the ACDSee database is locked or read-only.
ACDSee does not support multiple clients connecting to the same database. ACDSee will become unresponsive if trying to connect to a database that is already open in another instance of ACDSee.
Status bar count may be wrong if empty smart folder selected.
Watermark tool Center button doesn’t center watermark for all images in the batch if images are different sizes.
Running Batch Add Watermark while an unsupported image is in preview does not apply watermark.
Compare Images Active View is empty if selected image is an orphan.
Startup time may be impacted if Image Basket contains many items.
External Editors feature does not support images on cameras.
Keyboard shortcuts assigned to commands that can be renamed (such as Categories, Batch Presets, External Editors) need to be re-assigned if command is renamed.
Writing a Spotlight Comment fails with error “Source file not found”.
Adding media files (e.g. audio, video files) to Image Basket is not supported.
The folder tree fails to refresh after cut/paste or drag-and-drop Move operations. Workaround: View > Refresh Folders Pane (option + command + R).
PSD files cannot be placed on the Map.
Clone/heal effect is temporarily removed from view if you adjust Exposure or White Balance and image is RAW.
If the exposure of a clone/heal source point has been adjusted via brush or gradient, the exposure of the target point will also be adjusted.
Dragging keyword tokens from the Properties pane Keywords input field to the Search bar fails to return matching items if the keyword is hierarchical. Workaround: drag the keyword from the keyword list.
Tag, Rating, and Label icons are present at the top of the Organize pane if the file selection contains item(s) excluded from the database (or no items are selected).
It’s highly recommended to embed ACDSee Metadata prior to importing or restoring a database from a previous version of ACDSee.
When importing a previous version’s database, please ensure the previous version of the application is closed.
Importing a previous version’s database may cause the Date Modified timestamp to update but does not modify the actual contents of the database.
In macOS 10.15 and above, apps require permission before directly accessing files in certain folders and external volumes. Please allow ACDSee to access files when prompted, or as follows: go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Files and Folders, find ACDSee, and check the applicable boxes.
ACDSee writes metadata to a sidecar file in a hidden subfolder relative to the original file if filetype is HEIC.
On first run, the Import Databases tool offers to import the default database of previous versions. If you wish to import a custom database you created in a previous version instead, please close the Import Databases dialog and then use the Restore Database tool (in the Tools menu) and select the database you wish to restore.

Acdsee Pro For Mac

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